Simon is a local. He has travelled all over but inevitably always comes home. He is primarily an architect, following in his father Tim's footsteps. Since the age of 18 he worked alongside his father designing and building beautiful, award-winning homes in the area. Simon's education took him to prestigious architecture colleges the Bartlett and for his part 2 the Royal College of Art in London. He then went on to design, among others, a Paul Smith shopfront in Covent Garden, the Forge Members Club in Shoreditch and the famous Heals Furniture store cafe on Tottenham Court Road. Returning to his home town (via Berlin and Lisbon) with his wife and children in tow, he now practices under Moxey&Webb with his long-standing friend Oli.
Sustudio was originally supposed to be his architecture practice offices however ever the selfless soul he's given the space over to his wife, yoga teacher, Jacki to create a space for everyone on the local High Street of his beloved home town.
Jacki is a Londoner. Originally trained as a lawyer for Warner Bros. she soon saw the light after near burn out and pursued her passion for yoga. Her grandmothers introduced her to yoga from a young age and after a primary training in Berlin and an advanced training in India in 2013 she was finally able to give back to them in her teaching. Moving to Poole in 2017 with a 9 month old and pregnant with her second, Jacki found the adjustment hard. Being a city girl she was used to all the facilities a city has to offer and found many to be missing in Poole. However, after meeting many amazing people in the same predicament, plans soon crystalized to combine Simon and Jacki's two talents and create a space worthy of the city for future generations to enjoy.
Sustudio has been created to give people a space to come together, get healthy and feel inspired. It is the cumulation of Simon and Jacki's experiences from around the globe brought to the town they (and their sons) call home. In so doing they have found many amazing teachers living down here desperate for a beautiful space to pass on their knowledge, plenty of inspiring brands wanting a piece of Sandbanks and practitioners with unbelievable skills ready to be involved. The result is studio like no other on the South Coast. It is the snowball effect of just going for it. Of course nothing is ever plain sailing and there have been plenty of obstacles and moments of self doubt along the way but nothing good ever comes easy right?!
We hope you share in our vision and love the space and become part of our journey.
Jacki, Simon, Eric and Marlon xxx
Jacki Moxey
Yoga teacher, mother and lover of people and their stories.
Simon Moxey
Architect, father and forever dreamer.
Alice Phillips
Sustudio Physiotherapist, multi-talented and super friendly.
Dale Ingham
Chef extraordinaire, mega cyclist and off-grid living.
Chloe Thurston
Insta Guru
Insta guru and mum of 6 with an impeccable eye.
Nicky Forster
Musculoskeletal and pelvic health physiotherapist and specialist in Mummy MOTs
Sinead Buckley
Expert Beautician, super friendly and very professional
Beth Brown
Deep Tissue Massage
Brilliant masseuese, world travel and mother
Cheryl Binnis
Sports Massage Therapist
Level 5 trained sports massage therapist, amazing family history and seriously talented
Sam Pantlin
Pregnancy Massage Therapist
NHS and holistic midwife, passionate about supporting women through pregnancy and mother of 3.
Dr Clair
Clinical Psychologist
Expert Psychologist, Inner Guide & Liberator
Jana Henley
Clinical Hypnotherapist. PMDD/PMS Expert
Empath, one of a kind, not to be missed opportunity to change your life
Kate Burton
Nutritional Therapist
Kate is a registered nutritionist and nutritional therapist, who is passionate about helping others improve their health and wellbeing.
Francesca Moore
Registered Nutritional Therapist
Fran is a registered nutritional therapist and practices a functional medicine approach to health and well-being.
Michelle Lane
Sports Massage Therapist
Now based back in Bournemouth, Michelle is pleased to be offering deep tissue massage at SuStudio.
Tash Bulstrode
Makeup Artist
Makeup artist to the stars, can make everyone look gorgeous and will make you howl with laughter too!